首頁 > 年會暨研討會 > 2018第二十週年年會
20th TSCAP Annual Meeting/台灣兒童青少年精神醫學會二十週年年會暨學術研討會
兒童腦部發展軌跡: 我們該往哪裡去?
The brain development trajectory of children: immaturity or deviation?
Date: JUN 03, 2018 (Sunday)
Venue: NTUH International Convention Center 台大國際會議中心3樓
黃玉書:Brain imaging and cognition in young narcoleptic patients.
王亮人:Polymorphisms of STS gene and SULT2A1 gene and neurosteroid levels in Han Chinese boys with attention-deficit/hyperativity disorder: an exploratory investigation.
簡意玲: Identifying cerebral cortex indices that predict autistic symptom severity
江惠綾:Age sensitive associations between regional volumes of the cerebellar grey matter and clinical features in autism spectrum disorder
商志雍:Imaging Genetics on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Norepinephrine Transporter Gene
林育如:Speech ability predicted later cognitive ability at preschoolers at risk of developmental delay
倪信章:The Impacts of Multiple Sessions Intermittent Theta-Burst Stimulation over the Bilateral Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus on Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
劉黛玲:Effects of social cognition training on improvement of social interaction in adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
陳儀龍:Estimating the years lived with disability for mental disorders in children: differences between community and clinical settings
劉敏:Differences in age-related neural connectivity of semantic processing in youths with autism and typically developing youths
余季霖:Neural correlates of theory of mind processing in youths with autism