首頁 > 年會暨研討會 > 2022第二十四週年年會
24th TSCAP Annual Conference/台灣兒童青少年精神醫學會二十四週年年會暨學術研討會
中文主題: 預見未來@兒童青少年精神醫學
英文主題: Meet the future@ Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Date: JUN 12, 2022 (Sunday)
簡意玲: Effectivene ss ,durabil itv ,and clinical correlates of the PEERS social skills intervention in voung adults with autism soectr山 n disorder: the first evidence outside North America
倪信章: Intermittent theta burst stimulation over the posterior superior temporal sulcus for children with autism spectrum disorder: A 4-week randomized blinded controlled trial followed by another 4-week open-label intervention.
張鎔麒: 自閉症患者大腦皮質厚度變化與臨床表徵與執行功能發展關聯:表面形態學分析之縱貫性研究Cortical Thickness Changes in autism spectrum disorder and the relationship to clinical symptoms and executive function: A longitudinal study using surface-based morphometry
倪信章: 探討Theta叢集性磁刺激術作用於左側背外側前額葉對於兒童青少年自閉症的治療效應: 一個初步研究Exploring the therapeutic impacts of continuous theta-burst stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in children and adolescence with autism spectrum disorder: a preliminary study
劉峻豪: 中文版社交擬仿問卷在台灣青少年的信效度驗證: 初步結果Validation of the Chinese version of Camouflaging Autistic Trait Questionnaire (CAT-Q) among Taiwanese Adolescents: a preliminary result
林海笛: 探討自閉症兒童青少年語義處理與執行功能之關聯 The Relationship between Semantic Processing and Executive Function in Youth with Autism
江惠綾: 用於鑑別注意力不足過動症的腦部白質神經束的主要特徵The imaging features of white matter tracts best explain the difference between ADHD and typical developing controls
蔡佳叡: 情緒調控困難與注意力不足過動症兒童青少年腦部靜息態功能異常之關聯性Correlation of Altered Intrinsic Functional Connectivity with Emotion Dysregulation in ADHD Youths
王亮人: 雙歧桿菌對注意力不足/過動症兒童的臨床症狀與腸道菌群的影響Effect of Bifidobacterium Bifidum on Clinical Characteristics and Gut
黃郁心: 台灣自閉症幼童與正常兒童之血汞比較 The comparison of blood mercury between autistic young children and normal children in Taiwan