首頁 > 年會暨研討會 > 2024第二十六週年年會
26th TSCAP Annual Meeting/台灣兒童青少年精神醫學會二十六週年年會暨學術研討會
Date: JUN 2, 2024(Sunday)
Venue: GIS MOTC Convention Center 集思交通部國際會議中心
(台北市中正區杭州南路一段24號 仁愛路口)
張鎔麒 : Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis in Autism Unveiled through Sibling Comparisons: A Window into Social deficits and Psychiatric Symptoms通過手足對照揭示自閉症患者腸道菌群失調: 解析腸道菌與與社交障礙和精神疾病症狀關聯
簡意玲 : Does PEERS social skills training changes structural connectivity in autistic adults? PEERS社交技巧訓練是否改變大腦神經連結?
商志雍 : Neuropsychological Dysfunction of Long COVID in Children兒童長新冠之神經心理功能障礙
林海笛 : The Prevalence and Potential Risk Factors of Cyberbullying in Autistic Youths: A Prospective Follow-Up Study前瞻性追蹤自閉症青年涉入網路霸凌之盛行率與風險因子
倪信章 : Theta-burst stimulation over the right cerebellum could modulate default mode network connectivity in autistic adults Theta叢集性磁刺激術作用於右側小腦可以調節成人自閉症預設模式網絡的連結
江惠綾 : Machine Learning-Guided Identification of Cortical Thickness-Based Biomarkers for ADHD以機器學習演算法以尋找注意力不足過動症的腦部皮質厚度的影像學特徵
李青樺 : The Efficacy of Mobile Applications for Reducing Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Control Trials青少年和年輕成人使用移動應用程式減少抑鬱症效果的隨機對照試驗統合分析
潘姵吟 : The Clinical Profiles and Adaptive Functions of Subclinical Autistic Adult Individuals成人自閉症次臨床個案的臨床樣貌與適應功能